Some Photogrammetry trials
SFGames Chooses Studio One Prime for VR Game Development, Maps Key Commands to Game Controller
Exciting first partnership for SFGames with OSVR!
OSVR is the Open Source Virtual Reality Platform from Razor…
Vote for Operation Cerulean Dew for Indie of the Year 2015
New homepage for Operation Cerulean Dew ! http://ocd.scigor.com
This is a mood video and proof-of-concept for our first game Operation Cerulean Dew (final project name TBA).
My Patreon page: http://www.patreon.com/Scigor Subscribe for more: http://www.youtube.com/c/Scigor Music: Scigor Samples by Setuniman on Freesound: http://www.freesound.org/people/setuniman/ Become a Patron!
Hasha, the first illustration for FOUNDATIONS.